Sunday, October 20, 2019

My Climate Change

When one has been away from one's blog for two years, one is expected to give an explanation.

Wow.  Time flies.

Yes, I don't want to talk about the last two years. I'll say that right now, I find myself in a place I didn't make for myself (completely) and wouldn't choose for myself.

Oh wait, let me start again.  I am grateful for what I have today.  I have a husband I love dearly and usually like a whole lot.  I have three sons and three grandsons, whom I love endlessly and mercilessly.  I have enough stuff to keep all of us and a few others comfortable.  I have a new church family that is warm, kind, and curious, and perfectly willing to let us in without asking us why we need to be there.  I have old friends and the best close and extended family I could want.

What I'm looking to change, though, is my climate and my environment.  Personally and in my home.  A home that currently houses five or six adults and three or four children, as well as seven cats and two dogs.  And it's a mess.  It's full of things that we don't want or need.

In the past twelve years, we have collected our own junk AND other people's junk.  Moving and need a place to leave your furniture "for a little while?" Come on over.  We have two full rooms (I mean FULL) of mostly other people's crap mixed in with our own crap.

And so, step one of my personal quest to improve my environment is to clear out the crap.

Have I mentioned we are on the Hoarder's Scale?  No dead bodies, I don't think... maybe some lost animals.  Yarn.  Beads.  Furniture you wouldn't sit on. Clothes I don't remember owning. Folger's coffee containers that would be really cute if painted and labeled to hold stuff.  Toys.  Books that have molded. Did I mention the yarn? And about twenty of any kitchen gadget, since we can't find it and have to go out and buy one.  I'm thinking we could be wealthy if we quit replacing stuff we already have.

So let's see how we do this week...

1 comment:

Mimi Lenox said...

That sounds like me. I'm purging endlessly since retirement. It takes so much time. But it feeeeels better in the house.