Saturday, November 4, 2017

BlogBlast For Peace 2017

My Facebook Feed has been bitter and angry lately.  I don't want it to be all cute kitties and recipes (although I have nothing against those things.)  I am just tired of facing the truth.

OK, that's a statement of privilege if I've ever made one.  And so, let me clarify.  

I am not taking a break from truth.  

The truth of people who think people of color are complaining about institutional racism and violence in order to ruin a good Sunday afternoon.  The truth of people who think women should learn to take a joke and a quick poke in the privates so as to not ruin a good man's life. The truth of people who fear and hate those who are different from them that they want to stop their existence.  The truth of people whose faith is based on personal supremacy and suppression of thought.  

Even I can't take a break from that.  

I know those things.  Sometimes I need to look at it again so that I don't forget.  I also need to see what lies people believe in good faith.  You know what I mean.  I need to hear their fears and presumptions in order to reach across the chasm.  I need to explore my own fears and presumptions in order to build a bridge.

My Diocesan Bishop, Andrew Waldo, is said to ask us to make "Charitable Assumptions."  This means that when someone says something that sounds snarky, I should listen with a whole heart before snapping back.  And then, instead of snapping back when it turns out they are being snarky, I should listen to the fear and brokenness behind it.  AND THEN, (even if they are a jackass and deserve one of my best sarcastic ZINGERS), I ought to respond with love, not necessarily passivity, and NOT jack up the argument.  Jesus wasn't a wimp, remember, but he didn't give way to hurtful slaps.  (Ok, he appears to roll his eyes at some of the questions he's asked, and it's been said that his response to the rich man who wanted to be his follower might have had a sarcastic edge to it, but you know what I mean.)

Shoulds and oughts shouldn't and oughtn't be taken on lightly.  And I haven't taken these on lightly.  Frankly, I suck at this and am making such baby steps that it does seem that I'm going backwards some days.  That's where I am right now.  Every once in a while, I am an instrument of peace.  

Please join me.


Tink said...

I love your globe!
Peace ☮

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I think that is wise counsel, to try to understand the brokenness behind the words people sling around. It is difficult for sure. I have a friend who always says "Be the Observer." I try to do that when people are behaving badly. Smiles. (Doesnt always work.)

Mimi Lenox said...

I am working on some of the same issues. Trying to take a step back before reacting seems to be the one thing lately that God is getting my attention about....and He's sending lots of lessons for me to pass or fail, let me tell ya! So each time I say, "I could have handled that better...ummmm yeah." LOL And each time I fail I get closer to getting it right the next time.
"Lord, close my mouth!" has been a familiar prayer as of late.

Then again...when it's time to speak against injustice, speak we will. I suspect you do a better job of it than you give yourself credit for.
I love the honesty in this post. It is my story too.

Your peace globe is lovely and will be shared.
Peace to you and yours,

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Hold strong. And know that you are in Good and plentiful company ~ so many instruments of peace, each and every one of us.
